Story Descriptions

In 1960, Texas Josephine McKelvey marries folk singer Jonathan Singer. She moves to San Francisco with him and begins her new adventures and misadventures, encountering Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Dr. David Smith, and Charles Manson. Josephine delivers a beautiful baby and enters U. C. Berkeley. She joins the Free Speech movement and learns that free speech is not the goal of its organizers. With the help of two wise women who have escaped prisons in the Soviet Union and Cuba, and another lady who was deceived by her civil rights group, Josephine discovers many social justice organizations have corrupt roots. Josephine & Jon covert to Catholicism, but Jonathan ventures away to sit at the feet of a Indian guru. The journey ends in 1969.
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In Hidden Candle, Annalise Kessler loses her infant brother to the Nazi nurse of her village. Germany invades Poland, and World War II begins. Not always does Annalise know whom to trust.

Forbidden Thoughts: In the 1925 Soviet Union, thoughts can subconsciously become words, so lovers Elena and Petr carefully confide solely in each other. They discover messages hidden in a wall from Alexandra, a woman who mysteriously disappeared. Elena and Petr must act quickly to save other innocents.

Mother’s Occult Stories — These stories feature Chia Ellis, a young female Greek professor, who uses her psychic skills to help others heal from their karmic wounds. These wounds are of varied nature.

The play, Intersection, is based on a true crime that took place near the intersection of Highways 77 and 81 in Hillsboro, Texas.

The memoir “Duped and Redeemed” reveals two separate vital life intersections, one chosen and the other unchosen.

Other essays include topics such as dyslexia, Joseph Pearce, and Lee Harvey Oswald.

The short stories are My Name (My Identity), Mother Hilda, and Three Days of Darkness.

Other Formats: Paperback

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 This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.

Has your paradigm ever shifted? This collection illustrates the changes of a spiritual seeker: Vedantic to Christian, Pro-Choice to Pro-Life, and Bohemian to Settled.BERTHA’S BUTTER CLUB, a one-act comedy, jabs at every person who thinks they have the formula to make others lose weight. DYSLEXIC chronicles my many and long attempts to seek a cure. Other essays compare convicted murderers Susan Atkins and Karla Faye Tucker, and uncover the tragic deaths of two abortive women. Also included is an essay based on a Caroline Gordon short story, my creative writing mentor at the University of Dallas.OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES: This one-act has a 13 year old pro-life debater who greatly loves her dad who performs abortions. The play is followed by DAUGHTER OF INDIA, a biography of my aunt, Sanskrit scholar Camille Svensson.At last comes poetry. One poem can hold a whole universe — finding love, losing love, reaching for God but touching a dark hole and discovering the true God.This book covers forty years of love, disillusionment, and then finding love again.
Other Formats: Paperback
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In 1876, Miranda’s stepfather beats her and throws her out of her home. Her crime is wearing makeup.
She travels by stagecoach to Fort Worth, Texas hoping to support herself as a seamstress, but is let off by the driver in Hell’s Half Acre, the infamous gambling and red-light district. She encounters shady characters who attempt to entice her into a less honest trade.
Miranda, though, is determined to survive respectfully.
In the 1925 Soviet Union, thoughts can subconsciously become words, so lovers Elena and Petr carefully confide solely in each other.

They discover messages hidden in a wall from Alexandra, a woman who mysteriously disappeared. Elena and Petr must act quickly to save other innocents.

We all experience intersections in our lives–turning points that spring upon us or chosen opportunities for change. Robert Frost wrote about intersections in “The Road Less Traveled.” The play, Intersection, is based on a true crime that took place near the intersection of Highways 77 and 81 in Hillsboro, Texas. The short stories and poems represent crossroads in life. Moreover, the memoir “Duped and Redeemed” reveals two separate vital intersections, one chosen and the other unchosen.
Annalise Kessler loses her infant brother to the Nazi nurse of her village. Germany invades Poland, and World War II begins. Annalise decides to become a compassionate, God-fearing nurse. She takes her training in Berlin and falls in love with someone in the Underground. The young woman waits for him. Amid dodging bombs and rubble, she cares for others. Not always does Annalise know whom to trust.