the Slipstream

Speculative fiction is comprised of three related genres: science fiction, fantasy and horror. The slipstream intermingles these genres then plants imagination’s resulting seeds into the potting soil of mainstream fiction.

SPECULATIVE ENCOUNTERS: New Stories from the Slipstream

Speculative fiction is comprised of three related genres: science fiction, fantasy and horror. The slipstream intermingles these genres then plants imagination’s resulting seeds into the potting soil of mainstream fiction. In the realm of the unknown, all possibilities and even mutations flower and co-exist abundantly.

Slipstream is a state of mind. It disrupts and distorts reality, surprising readers into seeing the otherness in all things. It breaks through the safe borders that rationality seeks to enforce.


Author: C. L. Nichols

C. L. Nichols is a published author of short stories and poetry, with novels in progress. He writes mainly in the speculative fiction genre. He is retired from a career as a Computer Applications Programmer/Analyst. He played bass and rhythm guitar in country, rock & variety bar bands, and he presently plays guitar in his church band.

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